I am not generally a rule breaker. I don't live on the edge or colour outside the lines. I like order and clean lines and tidying up (not to be mistaken with cleaning, I could live the rest of my life and happily not clean my house ever again because I would much rather pay someone else to do it for me).
But an orderly life can be a boring life and sometimes I feel the need to veer off course and shake things up a bit. Sometimes it's a little thing like hacking up a pizza any old way. Other times it's bigger, like moving to a new country without knowing anyone (or speaking much of the language) or deciding to dye my hair blue.
Since coming back after my trip home at Christmas, I have been feeling restless and unsettled. Like something needs to change or start or I dunno, just something. A recent trip to the library saw me drawn to the craft section. Maybe this is what I need to start doing? I have always liked a bit of art & crafts but have come to the realisation that while I like and appreciate art, an artist I am most definitely not. The local arts centre is running beginners art classes and the thought of it filled me with dread.
So I am sticking with the crafts side of things. Over the last few years I have done a variety of workshops - wire lantern making, origami, crochet, silver clay jewelry, glass art. While they were all quite enjoyable, none of them really grabbed me by the throat and screamed "this is it, this is what you should be doing in your spare time" so it looks like further pondering is required. In the meantime, I will have to content myself with crafting slightly askew pizza...