Tuesday 13 August 2019

Read Me

I'm a great woman for lists.  My favourite being my to read list.  I used to write it in my diary/notebook but a couple of years ago I started using www.goodreads.com as not only can I add in the books I would like to read, I also now have a list of books that I have already read.  Especially helpful when publishers decide to change the cover of a book and thus trick me into thinking that I haven't read it.  

When I head to the library I usually have a quick check of my to read list to see if  anything is available.  Today was the perfect storm - 5 of my to read books were available.  Considering I am already in the middle of a book, I should probably have opted for moderation and just taken one or maybe two, but moderation is overrated so I took the lot!  

For the foreseeable future my catchphrase is going to be "I'll just finish this page....".