Friday, 28 October 2016

Faff Fest

This weekend is going to be an in-law fest.  It's not that I don't get on with my in-laws, it's more that I am quite an organised person and they, quite frankly are not.  There will be epic amounts of faffing around and lots of discussion about the best way to do something without anyone actually doing the thing that needs to be done. 

All the while I will be breathing deeply and repeating my mantra.....

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Blah Blah Sunday

God I hate Sundays.  Ever since I was little, it has always been my least favourite day of the week.  It is such a nothing of a day.  It reminds me of forgotten essays and boring films and masses that seemed to go on forever.  All with the threat of Monday looming overhead.  Now that school and religion are a distant memory and films can be accessed at the touch of a button, you would think things would have changed, right?  Nope it's still the same old nothing of a day it ever was.

Back in my twenties when my social life involved actually leaving the house rather than scoffing sauvignon blanc and doritos on the couch, Sundays were spent lazing about, watching bad tv and recovering from a hangover.  These days the hangovers are few and far between.  Children + hanging together = more pain than that extra glass of wine is worth.  So Sundays drag on with nothing specific to do and not even the memory of last night's craic to break up the monotony.  I have been known to get swallowed by the black hole that is Pinterest.  Maybe this should be my new Sunday routine?


Saturday, 22 October 2016


It appears that for me this month should be renamed Slacktober.  I have been very lax lately with my blogs.  A combination of feeling a bit down and being a bit busy have resulted in zero posts so far in October, sorry Slacktober.  Well I've got 8 days left, it's a long weekend and I've just downloaded the Blogger app onto my phone so now I officially have no excuses!

Part of the difficulty of blogging is believing that you have something worth saying.  This month a lot of my internal dialogue has been negative so I've been practicing what I preach when it comes to the old saying "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".  Not much of a blog though if I don't say anything at all.  So I'm going to filter less, find ways to make things a bit more positive and get on with it. 

I have this on my fridge and while they are certainly words to live by, there is enough on my to do list at the moment without adding something scary every day.  Today though after a fair bit of procrastination, I felt the fear and did it anyway.  I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time.  Now I am a big wussie when it comes to pain.  I can't even rip a plaster off, so when it came to childbirth you can imagine how relieved I was when the epidural kicked in.  As I drove to my appointment I contemplated a pre-emptive painkiller but figured it wouldn't kick in in time. 
So in I went, slightly anxious that I was about to yelp in a most undignified manner in front of a complete stranger and it was.....fine.  Not something you would do to relax but not as evil as some of the descriptions I had read online.  The most disconcerting part was the noise of the thread rubbing together.  Obviously my eyes were closed but the noise was conjuring up images of those long handled scythes cutting through hay.  When I opened my eyes I was very glad to see that my eyebrows had not been converted into neat haystacks.  The moral of the story?  No pain, no gain?  Try everything once?  I think it should be "things are rarely as bad as you think they will be".  Not a very catchy slogan I'll grant you but it worked for me today.