I read an interesting article today titled "8 bits of plastic you can quit right now". Someone had liked it on facebook and it caught my eye so I thought I would have a read. Some of the things I already do, like carrying fabric bags with me and using a reusable travel mug for my tea. Other stuff, I could definitely improve upon.
One thing which when I thought about was pretty silly, it that the toilet paper I buy is wrapped in plastic. Why wrap toilet paper in plastic when tissues come in a cardboard box? So I contacted the manufacturers of the toilet roll I buy as they have a commitment to sustainably sourced materials to see if they had any plans to move away from soft plastic wrapping. Another reason for the email is that my local council recently changed the supplier of their recycling services and they no longer take soft plastics so no plastic wrapping, cling film or plastic bags. It's only when you are no longer recycling those things that you realise how much of them you go through. While the answer I got was the usual "thanks for your feedback etc", they did direct me to companies where I can recycle soft plastics. Bit sad that the corporate sector is the one spearheading a campaign like this rather than the local authority but suppose its better than no one doing it.
The other one that spurred me into action was the bamboo toothbrush. I had investigated them a while back but never got further than looking at the website so rather than put it on the to do list for another day, I went online and ordered one to try it out. Will let you know once it arrives if I'm a convert.
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