Wednesday, 1 March 2017

2016 - The year in review

Most people do their review of the previous year in January.  I am not most people*.

Author of the year - I tried to pick a book of the year but it was too hard so I'm going with author of the year instead.  Jonas Jonasson for books that are enjoyable, at times slightly ridiculous but always entertaining.

Food of the year - Bacon.  Nuff said.

Shoes of the year - Croc wedges.  Never having been a fan of the original crocs, I was slow to try their wider range.  Then one day I came across these babies and never looked back.  Comfortable enough to wear every day, smart enough to not look too casual.  I must investigate other options before this pair dies of over use.

Which brings me nicely to...

Nail varnish of the year - Got to be Trophy Wife by Essie both for the colour and the way it makes me smirk when I look at it and think about the name.  Strictly for toes only though.  The search for the perfect neutral colour for my fingers continues.  Any suggestions?

Make up of the year - Anything that comes in crayon form.  Who has time to be faffing around with brushes and blending?  Very sad to hear that my favourite eye crayon from Natio is no more.  Will need to hunt down an alternate sharpish.  Maybe I will splash out on a Clinique chubby stick.  Marian Keyes swears by them. 

Colour of the year - Surprisingly not red.  I wore a lot of green in 2016.  Obviously ahead of the curve as apparently it's the colour of the year for 2017.

Necklace of the year -  A three way tie between a silver Killarney Crystal pendant my friends got me for my 40th, a black sphere of volcanic rock I got in Iceland and a red bubble gum necklace from Cobalt Heights. 



Saying of the year - FFS, usually shortened to f***s sake and muttered under my breath.  Unless I happen to be in the presence of small people when it is replaced with the sanitised "for goodness sake" which is more age appropriate but infinitely less satisfying.

Takeaway of the year - Steamed dumplings with soy sauce, followed swiftly by chips smothered in melted cheese and gravy.  My mouth is watering just thinking about them.  Rotorua Night Market is the place to be on a Thursday evening.

So concludes the random review of the year that was 2016.

*Ok so I did start this in January and then forgot about it but I am a committed member of the better late than never school of thought so here it is at the start of March regardless.

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