Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Balancing Act

Last night's yoga class had balance as it's theme. As I drove home I happened to glance at the passenger seat of my car. It rarely holds passengers but usually gives a pretty accurate snapshot of what is going on in my life. Here is what it contained:
- 1 x yoga mat
- 1 x green cowboy hat
- 1 x six pack of a beer called Bohemian Rhapsody

Sounds like a recipe for a fun night doesn't it! 

The yoga mat was obviously mine, the green cowboy hat was part of a costume and was en route to school and the beer was a belated birthday present for my husband.  Some days the seat is full of stuff for other people, some days there is nothing at all but right now I'm feeling pretty impressed with my level of balance, both on the mat and off.

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