Monday, 9 July 2018

FOTA - Not just a wildlife park

Reduce, re-use, recycle is all well and good but there is a fine line between being an eco friendly upcycler and crossing over into hoarder territory.  The other week I experienced the vindication of finding a use for something I had been hanging on to because "it could come in handy some day".  Now we don't need to go into the details of how long it had been gathering dust for, the important thing is that it eventually got used.  

But let's be realistic, how often do we actually find a use for the random bits and bobs we hang on to?  If something sits in the back of a drawer for a year is it ever coming out again?  How many elastic bands is too many?  Is FOTA (fear of throwing away) a thing?  Am I going to end up on one of those programmes about people who hang on to arbitrary stuff and then have to crawl out their bathroom window as the rest of the house is full of things that "could come in handy some day"......??  

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