Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Nothing changes if nothing changes

We often linger for years in spaces that are too small and shabby for the grandeur of our spirit - John O'Donohue.

After three and a half years in a negative, unpleasant working environment doing a job that offered little challenge and no scope for growth, I finally decided enough was enough and quit my job.  I figured that nothing changes if nothing changes and the end of the year seemed like a good time to draw a line and move on.  My month's notice was spent veering from freaking out that I had made a huge mistake and wouldn't find another job to feeling like a huge weight had been lifted.  Life's too short and all that.  

What am I moving on to?  Well the short answer is I have no idea.  Maybe I will stay in events, maybe I will try my hand at something completely new.  I have decided to look at 2019 as the year of opportunities.  Bring it on!

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