Monday, 3 April 2017

March Book Review

March was a month of books I picked and books that were picked for me.  Never a bad idea to try something new, it can broaden your horizons and give you an insight into your friends that no facebook quiz or personality test ever will.

A man called Ove - Fredrik Backman
A friend recommended this book and I'm glad she did as having not had a great first experience with this author, I probably wouldn't have read it without a push.  Ove is a grumpy old fecker that you can't help but like.  The number of times I agreed with him on something made me wonder if there is a grumpy old fecker deep down inside of me.

Blood Salt Water - Denise Mina
I've read a few of her books.  They always deliver.

The Children Act - Ian McEwan
This was not a very cheery read, covering topics like marital breakup, family court rulings and the right to choose to refuse medical intervention.  That said, I did enjoy it.  The main character wasn't that endearing at times but the description of her was so vivid I could nearly see her.

Miss Treadway and the field of stars - Miranda Emmerson
This was a book club pick.  Doubt I would have read it otherwise, not that there is anything wrong with it, just have lots of other books I would choose to read first.  It is set in London in the sixties and doesn't shy away from the attitudes of the time to women and immigrants.  It makes me very glad that I was born when I was.  It also made me realise how much I take for granted in terms of things like access to contraception, educational expectations and the right to choose a partner based on who I want to live with and not who society expects me to pick.  I found it plodded a bit in the middle and I wasn't that invested in finding out what happened to the missing character.  

All the bright places - Jennifer Niven
This was recommended by a friend, she had read Holding up the Universe first but apparently this is the author's first book so I started with this.  From quite early on I was getting a distinct "The fault in our stars" vibe from it.  I plodded on but half way though I just wasn't feeling it so skipped to the end to find out what happened.  Even then I didn't care much.  Just started Holding up the Universe and enjoying it much more, so far anyway!   


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