I have a new baby nephew who is cuteness personified. Unfortunately I won't get to meet him in person for another 8 months so Skype will have to suffice till then. It made me think back to when my kids were babies. When your children are born you think about what you will pass on to them. Will they have your eyes or your temperament? What balls will be picked for them in the genetic lottery? Then there are other more subtle things you pass on. The phrases your child repeats back to you. "No Mammy, that's your responsibility". "I'm hungry like the wolf". The urge to make lists and bring order to a messy pantry shelf (though sadly this urge does not lead to bedrooms being tidied).
When you have kids there are physical changes too. I'm not just talking about the mummy tummy or the stretch marks. I'm talking about the inability to eat greasy foods without being stricken down by indigestion. The emotions, my god the emotions! I was never much of a one for crying at sad movies before I had kids. Afterwards? I was off at the drop of a hat. I thought it would settle down once the hormones leveled themselves out but no. I've gotten a bit better at holding it together but anything sad to do with kids or those homecoming videos Aer Lingus like to post around Christmas and I'm gone. Thank goodness for waterproof mascara.
This morning there were optimum conditions for a lie in. The house was dark, empty and most importantly childless. The bed was warm, cosy and inviting. So why in the name of God was I wide awake at 10 to 7 on a weekend morning when most week days I am wrecked and dragging my tired self out of bed? When you have kids you lose your ability to have a lie in. Even if you were a deep sleeper before you find yourself sleeping with one ear open, even when they are not in bloody house! They don't tell you that in the books do they?
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