Friday, 8 January 2016

New Year's Aspirations

I've never found New Year's resolutions to be much use, probably because I have never really made them in earnest.  I've done the usual "I will get fit and eat healthier and be better at keeping in touch with my friends" lists but didn't put them into practice so they fell by the wayside. 
This year I've decided that aspirations are the way to go.  Not as definite as a resolution but then if resolutions never come to fruition, aren't they just aspirations in sheep's clothing?  So my aspirations, in no particular order are:
I will attempt to have an underwear drawer to be proud of (well maybe not proud, but not ashamed of), free of shapeless knickers that are comfy but past their prime, devoid of bras that are uncomfortable so never get worn and ones that are too comfortable and therefore completely lacking in support of any kind. 
I will aim to spend less time mindless scrolling through Facebook and more time texting/emailing/skyping/interacting in a way not involving just clicking a like button, with the people whose lives I actually want to hear about.
I will try to stop hanging on to clothes that I rarely (i.e. never) wear, simply because I have limited options for buying new ones in the fashion wasteland where I live.  H&M is coming to New Zealand at the end of 2016, I am beside myself with the excitement of being within driving distance of my favourite shop instead of a long haul flight away.
I will endeavour to resist the temptation to lose myself online when we get home from work/school and instead listen properly to the kids when they tell me about their day rather than half listening while checking my emails/cruising facebook/pinning things to my pinterest page that I will never realistically make but like the look/idea of.

I will strive to upgrade some of the people I know well enough to pass the time of day with, to people I know well enough to invite over for a cuppa and a chat.  I will be using my friend Catherine as my role model for this, she is much better at making friends than I am. 
If I manage to achieve even one of these aspirations I will be impressed with myself.  I think I will start with my underwear drawer.  No sense running before I can walk! 
So, what are your aspirations for 2016?

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I have a comment! Whoopee.
    I discovered this blog. Thanks for sharing Denise.
    My New Year's resolution was just one thing this year: focus.
    I have a tendency to do 10 million things and say yes to everyone.
    But I have a very clear goal for my life after kids start school, which means I need to let go of some things or I'll never achieve it. So, my resolution has been to FOCUS, to prioritise and to take baby steps towards my goal each day. I also recognise that set-backs and changes in direction are part of the game, to be recognised as messages or teachings from somewhere beyond.
