Saturday, 9 July 2016

Hands Free Mama - Rachel Macy Stafford

I was looking for a different book when I came across this one.  I think I spend enough time with my kids but have been thinking lately about the quality of the time I spend with them.  So I thought I would give this book a go.  I've only read the first few chapters so far and I will admit I did have to filter out some of more happy clappy suggestions and the God stuff but it's never a bad idea to consider a new way to do things even when you don't agree with everything the author puts forward. 

I did well the first day.  I stayed well clear of the laptop (my device of choice) and spent time with the kids helping them to put together a model dinosaur.  Day two I still avoided technology but got on with a few more household chores because at the end of the day, everyone still needs clean clothes and dinner.  Day three and yep, I'm back on the laptop.  We've had a friend staying so I've had two late week nights and I'm feeling a bit lacking in energy.  Let's face it, it's more pleasant to hide behind the screen than interact with two cantankerous children.  But that's really the point isn't it, to change old habits and get out from behind the laptop. 

So after a cup of tea and a sneaky piece of chocolate to fuel me out of my afternoon slump, I gathered the kids together to start planning a crazy hat for crazy hat day in school.  All the grumpy griping disappeared and they got really involved in coming up with ideas for how the hat could be decorated and what materials they could use to do it.  It only took some occasional steering from me and they worked away happily themselves.  By giving a little of my time and attention, the grumpy shouty afternoon that had been ahead of us was neutralised and instead, all three of us had a productive and pleasant afternoon.  This hands free mama lark may be worth exploring more.

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