Wednesday, 7 June 2017

The battle ground

I love my couch.  Along with my bed, it is one of my favourite places to be.  It is big and comfy and cosy.  You can put your feet up and recline the back.  Just thinking about it makes me smile. 

That familiar lure has taken a sinister turn of late.  Now that winter has truly hit and the nights are getting colder and more relentless, it is proving harder and harder to resist the temptation to ditch yoga class and cosy up on the couch under a blanket.  I have missed the last two weeks but this week, this week I won the battle to get my ass off the couch and go to yoga.  I was exceedingly glad to return said ass to the couch after yoga, making the mental note that while missing two weeks seems fine at the time, it is not so fine the week I actually go back to class.  I fear tomorrow will be a day of shuffling stiffness.  Damn you couch.

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