Friday, 11 October 2019

Close to the Edge

When my kids were babies, crying was the only way they had to communicate.  I learned to tell their different cries - the tired cry, the hungry cry, the I'm having a complete and utter meltdown cry.  When they learned to talk, interpreting their needs became a lot easier.  There was still crying but not as often.  

As parents, how well we deal with crying kids can be relative to how much sleep/food/caffeine we have had and also who is within earshot.  We have all been that mother with a clenched jaw and a fixed smile telling our kid "come on now, you're alright" when really we want to screech at them to "stop that crying or there'll be no screens till you're 25".  

It's Friday today.  The last day of the kids' two weeks holidays and I think it's fair to say that I have reached saturation point when it comes to "quality time" with my darling children.  You know you are close to the edge when you hear one of them crying downstairs and rather than wondering if they are ok, you think to yourself "Really? You had to wait till I was in the loo to start crying?  Can I seriously not even have a wee in peace? FFS".  

Roll on Monday morning school drop off.....

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