Along with the extended holding of poses, there was loads of extra time for relaxation and meditation at the end. Despite my best intentions, my mind started to wander. Amongst the random thoughts and things to add to my to do list, came the wishes. I wish I was more like her, she seems to enjoy being a SAHM, hosting elaborate birthday parties for her kids and posting weekly Insta-worthy #preciousmemories. I wish I was more like her, she never seems to lack ambition or goals. I wish I had her ability to chat to people and make friends. I wish I had her openness and trusting nature. I wish, I wish, I wish.
Maybe it's time to stop with the wishing. Maybe it's ok to not have figured out what I want to be when I grow up yet. Maybe this is what I am supposed to be doing right now. Comparing myself with other people only ends badly for me so maybe I need to focus on being good enough for me.

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